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Quantum Frequency

by Terence Thomas

In the world of computer research there is considerable effort being made to speed up the Internet and the speed at which new computers operate. Research is now being conducted in certain American cities that may represent a ten times faster Internet. Although this might be a very desirable goal, there are some questions that have come to light because of the new experiments.


Cell phones have been around for sometime now and the technology has given us cause to evaluate the safety of long term exposure to the new materials now incorporated in the new designs. Newer phones will contain even more potentially dangerous elements and as we continue down the research road, it is likely that even more dangerous substances may find their way into the new devices. Cell phones have also joined the Internet chatter and this is clearly the motivation for higher speed Internet.


Weather you use a computer only occasionally or you spend hours every day pounding away at the keyboard, you will notice how often a glitch will cause a halt in the normal operation of your computer. A glitch can be caused by a number of things but by far the number one cause of glitches is accidental sync. If you have ever noticed that when you are leaving a program and click the little X in the corner and then realize you weren't finished, you can hold the left click button down while you move the mouse away from the X with out ending the program. It requires both a pressing down and a release to get the action and it is the release that initiates the action.


Essentially a computer is an elaborate sequencer. It is driven by a very high-speed pulse frequency. Programs tend to sync well for they respond with short needle like pulses. Keyboards and other mechanical operated devices do not produce such uniform pulse signals and as a result, are a major source of glitches. Other causes of glitches are power supply voltage irregularities, overloaded computer, or two keys pressed simultaneously.

Glitches are commonplace and you can find them everywhere. If you double click something and it doesn't respond, then you experienced a glitch. You double click again and everything is OK. This makes glitches a minor annoyance. More significant glitches occur when you see a sign telling you that the computer can not run a program that is setting up behind the sign and operates fine when the sign is removed. Sometimes you get a sign that says that you do not have access to a program and when you open the program again, it works just fine. Another type of glitch is when you expect one result and you get something other than what you expected.

With all of the research going on with computers, we have never been able to eliminate the glitch. One method of glitch elimination is to make manual pulses analog signals that the drive and program signals would not recognize as anything but user commands but since this would slow down the speed of manual operation it has not been considered a viable solution. This does not take into consideration the time and frustration that glitches cause themselves.


The term hertz comes from Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, the man who first demonstrated the nature of electromagnetic wave generation. Kilohertz equals the thousand range, megahertz is million, gigahertz equals billion and terahertz stands for trillion. We are now in the terahertz generation and this is uncharted territory. The consequences of signal generation in this range are unknown and difficult to access. Super high frequency pulse generation is getting to the edge of quantum energy. In the audio range there are harmonics and all waves have harmonics with the exception of sine waves. Harmonics are always higher than the fundamental frequency and what kind of harmonic energy there is at the terahertz range is anybody's guess.


There are not a lot of quantum experiments because no current method of measuring perimeters in that range is available. Science is finite and does have its limitations even though we have daily breakthroughs that are quite astounding. Our imagination, on the other-hand, has no limitation and can conceive the inconceivable …or can it?


Harmonics, when dealing with audio frequencies, play a significant role in the quality of sound. As we move out of the audio range, less is known about the content and impact of harmonics. We must be aware of secondary and tertiary effects in very high frequency or it represents a "What happens if we do this." approach to scientific research. For about one hundred years we have been bombarded by man made frequencies and the effects of this are not really known nor is there a body of known research now being published.


All substances are effected by the frequencies around them. Earthquakes are low frequency disturbances that have major impact on the well beginning of people, animals, and the surface of the earth. Higher frequencies do not seem to have harmful effects on life, but the jury is still out on that question.


We are now entering the threshold of quantum domain and we do not know what effect artificially generated high frequencies electromagnetic pulses have on anything. A computer generates operating pulses of approximately five volts. What that means to a quark or other subatomic particle is an unknown factor and no practical quantum experiment has been devised to answer this question. It is clear that new ideas in manufacturing will be necessary to launch into this New World of the twenty-first century.

Some research is taking place presently that may help us operate at frequencies and intensities that have only existed in the imagination of the top scientists. At no time in history has scientific research been so aggressive in the pursuit of new techniques and procedures that will help us find new and better applications of new discoveries. The late Steve Jobs was a major contributor to the design of communication devices that have given us new and wonderful eye on the world.


This year there has been some revolutionary research that has earned some Nobel recognition. The manufacture of crystals in space has proven to be an interesting subject for further investigation and more time will be devoted to this in the future. Creating crystals in zero gravity with super-cold temperatures has afforded us the opportunity to experiment in conditions never experienced on earth.

A new way of manufacturing crystals here on earth has been discovered. Heating two or more metal combinations and cooling them super fast, results in crystals that, unlike conventional crystals, are totally different from one another. These odd crystals are now being researched for their use as new and more adaptable devices. The potential for the Super Crystals, as they are called now, is as great as our imagination can reach. Matrix and substrate fabrication, buffer fabrication, power transformation and distribution, and sensor development are just a few of the possibilities for these new procedures. This new method of making solid state prototypes is quite innovative and is opening up even more techniques with other metal or non-metal substances.


Graphite research has recently been in the news because of it's potential for ultra thin substrate fabrication and multi-layer substrate designs. This is a major improvement that will make a difference in the size reduction of future SLSIC (Super Large Scale Integrated Circuits). These new discoveries will be a necessary part of the research and development programs if we are going to continue the progress in the new quantum age.

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